Local management are responsible for health and safety performance with oversight provide by dedicated Health, Safety and Sustainability leads in each division. At Group level, further momentum is provided through a Health, Safety and Sustainability Director, reporting directly to the Group CEO . A groupwide engagement campaign was launched in early 2020 with Tyman’s Safety is our first language video.
Each division has an annual safety improvement plan in place covering audits, management systems, training and employee engagement. At Group level, a behaviour-based safety leadership programme has been rolled out to all people managers to further strengthen our safety culture and build the foundations for safety excellence. Groupwide safety standards on topics such as machinery safety, electrical safety and working at height are used to establish and embed best practices across all Tyman’s sites.
Tyman has a comprehensive suite of leading and lagging metrics for managing safety. The primary metric for tracking progress is the Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate (LTIFR) – the number of work-related incidents resulting in lost time, excluding the day of the incident itself, expressed per 1 million hours worked. Progress is also tracked against the Total Recordable Incident Rate, including all incidents resulting in lost time, medical intervention beyond first aid and restricted duty, again per 1 million working hours.
Occupational health and wellbeing are also important to the Group. Health surveillance programmes are in place for routine exposures such as noise and airborne dust and fumes from painting and welding operations. Ergonomics and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders also remain an important priority for us. Wellbeing awareness training and other support programmes are being deployed across the Group.
How we manage health and safety across the Group is captured in the Tyman Health & Safety Policy and Health & Safety Management System.
Health & Safety Management System
The latest health and safety performance data and information are captured in our Annual Report and Accounts and our Tyman Sustainability Data Table.